Research Projects
System of Systems Engineering Analysis for Border Security. Fall 2004 - Present.
PI. Project sponsor: Department of Homeland Security. Conduct research, development, and application for system of systems engineering in relationship to border security for the U.S. southern border.
System of Systems Engineering Center of Excellence. Spring 2003- Present.
PI. Project sponsor: Concurrent Technologies Corporation. Conduct research and development in the area of system of systems engineering.
System of Systems Engineering Analysis for Terminal Security. Spring 2003- Present.
PI. Project sponsor: Virginia Ports Authority. Conduct system of systems analysis of port security.
Operational Systems Analysis, Modeling, and Design. Fall 1999 - Fall 2000.
PI. Project sponsor: Riverside Regional Medical Center, Newport News, VA. Conduct systems analysis of patient care services operations.
Value Engineering Analysis. Fall 1999 – Fall 2000.
Co-PI. Project Sponsor: Navy Pricefighters, Norfolk, VA. Provide expertise on process design, specification, and analysis for litigation concerning contract dispute.
Technical Project Management Development. Fall 1998 – Spring 1999.
PI. Project sponsor: Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, VA. Designed and provided onsite project management assessment and development for scientist, engineers, and technicians.
Analysis of Space Redesign for High Pressure Direct Injection. Spring 1998.
PI. Project Sponsor: Siemens Automotive, Newport News, VA. This research investigated the sociotechnical impact of office space redesign for the High Pressure Direct Injection product at Siemens automotive.
Analysis of Cryomodule Production, Rework, and Installation for the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. Fall 1997 – Spring 1998.
Co-PI. Project Sponsor: Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. This research studied the cryomodule manufacturing process for linear accelerators using a sociotechnical systems methodology.
Design of Space at Siemens Automotive, Summer 1996 – Fall 1997.
Co-PI. Project Sponsor: Siemens Automotive, Newport News, VA. This research investigated the relationship between office space design and corporate culture from a sociotechnical perspective.
Modeling and Redesign of Organizational Processes, Fall 1996.
Co-PI. Project Sponsor: Checkered Flag Motor Car Company, Virginia Beach, VA. This research studied the implications of process modeling for redesign of processes in automobile sales.
Managerial Development, Fall 1996.
Co-PI. Project Sponsor: Access Home Care, Virginia Beach, VA. This project provided operational analysis and development for business processes and management.
Organizational Development for DePaul Medical Center. Spring 1995-Fall 1996.
Co-PI. Project Sponsor: DePaul Medical Center. This research was a major intervention to assist DePaul Medical Center to improve its ability to manage change, to increase its rate of organizational learning, and to improve its operational performance.
Organizational Learning Process. Summer 1994-Fall 1995.
Project Sponsor: NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA. This research investigated the underlying dynamics, key assumptions, and tacit knowledge of the senior staff and the implications of these dynamics, assumptions, and knowledge for teamwork among these executives.